Vitabiotics Pregnacare original tablets with 19 vitamins and minerals during pregnancy – 30 tablets

(21 customer reviews)

Original price was: 600.00 EGP.Current price is: 425.00 EGP.

  • Pregnacare vitamin to support maternal and fetal health.
  • 30 tablets of Pregnacare for pregnancy care.
  • Contributes to the growth of maternal tissues during pregnancy.
  • 19 component vitamins and minerals.
  • Produced by Vitabiotics.
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Pregnacare original is one of the safest vitamins for pregnant women, as it provides the body with many vitamins, minerals, and nutrients needed during this important period, to avoid any weakening during pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby, a formula formulated by experts and specialists to protect the mother’s diet during pregnancy.

Pregnacare is the UK’s #1 brand of pregnancy supplement, containing 19 vitamins and minerals that provide the elements needed to keep you and your baby healthy, including iron, folic acid, vitamins B, D, and many other nutrients.

Pregnacare original benefits

  • It provides women with vitamins and minerals needed to avoid iron deficiency and anemia during pregnancy.
  • Vitamin pregnacare helps prevent muscle pain and nerve inflammation, as it provides the body with vitamins B1, 6, 12.
  • Pregnacare helps pregnant women avoid a disease called spina bifida that occurs in cases of folic acid deficiency.
  • It prevents hair loss and improves the appearance of dull skin.
  • Vitamin pregnacare improves breathing quality and reduces tiredness and fatigue.

Pregnacare original uses

  • Many pregnant women face the problem of not being able to eat or drink some nutrients, which causes a lot of problems, but with the ingredients of Pregnacare Orginal tablets, you can avoid these problems.
  • Pregnacare multivitamin pills contain vitamin D to improve calcium absorption and this helps maintain strong bones and teeth and helps you avoid osteoporosis.
  • Pregnacare helps reduce toothache and strengthen weak gums.
  • It helps the fetus in the normal development of the brain and immune system, as well as strengthens the immune system of the mother.
  • Pregnacare pills are a must while breastfeeding because there is no difference between a pregnant and breastfeeding woman except for carrying the baby outside instead of inside.
  • Pregnancy Pills will help you recover faster and regain your strength.

You may also like: Mivolis DHA and folic acid during pregnancy 30 tablets + 30 capsules

Pregnacare original ingredients

Pregnacare for pregnant women has a distinctive formula that provides the mother in the first months of her pregnancy with everything she needs to strengthen her health, and the most important components are:

  • Vitamin D3.
  • biotin;
  • Vitamin E.
  • Folic acid.
  • beta-carotene.
  • magnesium;
  • Vitamin C.
  • Iron.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B12.
  • zinc.
  • copper.
  • Vitamin K.
  • selenium

Pregnacare original tablets dosage

One capsule daily.

Package contents

One package of Pregnacare original contains 30 tablets.

Vitabiotics Pregnacare original tablets

Vitabiotics Pregnacare original tablets

How to use vitamin pregnacare

  • Take one capsule per day of Pregnacare for pregnant women with or immediately after the main meal.
  • Take it with a full glass of water or a cold drink.
  • Vitamin pregnacare should only be taken on a full stomach.

Pregnacare original price in Egypt 2025

Pregnacare original tablets are available at Beauty Expert at a discounted price, 425 EGP per package. 

Pregnacare original during pregnancy

Pregnacare original during pregnancy

Pregnacare original side effects

Vitamin pregnacare does not cause harm or result in any side effects, and it contains the right amount of vitamins and elements necessary for a safe and healthy pregnancy.

Maternity supplements instructions before use

  • Do not use pregnacare vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • In case you have any severe condition, it is best to consult your doctor first.
  • In case you have any allergies, consult your doctor before taking pregnacare vitamins for pregnant women.
  • Store in a cool dry place.
  • Keep out of reach of children.

Ask for our pregnacare original tablets offers and get consulted by our experts for FREE

by calling the following numbers:

01007224868 || 01064496005

Reviews (21)

21 reviews for Vitabiotics Pregnacare original tablets with 19 vitamins and minerals during pregnancy – 30 tablets

  1. أحمد عامر (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  2. سيد احمد (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  3. سماح مختار (verified owner)

    ياريت والله توصلي شكري لمدير الشركه أصلا وتقوليلو قد ايه انتو شركه جميله ومحترمه

  4. Amira Ebrahim‬‏ (verified owner)

    التعامل معاكم كان ممتاز من اول خدمه العملاء للتوصيل والمنتج نفسه هايل

  5. Hend Gamal (verified owner)

    ممتاز جدا وشحن سريع وممتاز الجودة

  6. علاء يوسف (verified owner)

    اول مره اتعامل معاكوا و مش اخر مره عشان فعلا محترمين و كلامكوا كله ثقه

  7. ‪AHMED Khaled‬‏ (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  8. احمد خالد (verified owner)

    انا مبسوطه اوي بجد من النتيجه مع استخدام المنتج انا كنت فاقده الامل أصلا

  9. علاء نصر (verified owner)

    نصحني به احد الاصدقاء ويقول انه مفيد ونتائجه رائعة

  10. سمير مندور (verified owner)

    الجودة مناسبة مرهه للسعر الحجم كبير المكونات جدا جميله

  11. السيد شيحه (verified owner)

    حقيقي منتج ممتاز جدا واول مره اجربه واسعاركو بالنسبه للشوفتها برا كويسه جدا

  12. احمد حمدي (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  13. مينا زكي (verified owner)

    انا اتعاملت معاكوا و دايما برشحكوا لصحابي ومعارفي لان منتجاتكوا دايما كويسه جدا

  14. Mostafa Ahmed (verified owner)

    من اكتر الاماكن اللى كنت مرتاحه وانا بتعامل معاها

  15. سلمي زغلول (verified owner)

    مفيد جدا ويلاحظ التغيير بمدة قصيره

  16. احمد جمال ابو العنين (verified owner)

    بحثت كثيرا في النت ووجدت انها افضل خيار كميتها ممتازة

  17. محمود النجار (verified owner)

    الفاعليه حلوه و شركه موثوق فيها

  18. Mohamad Alshaer (verified owner)

    المنتج كان كويس جدا ومفيد والنتيجه احسن من ما توقعت

  19. ندي محمود (verified owner)

    فيه تأخير في الرد

  20. Hebatallah abdullah Fawzy (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  21. مصطفى عيسوى (verified owner)

    منتج رائع! يتوافق تمامًا مع المعايير والصفات الموضحة الموضحة على الملصق

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About brand
The largest vitamin maker in the UK is Vitabiotics. Every stage of life can benefit from the vitamin and mineral-based food supplements produced by Vitabiotics. The Health Shop, Egypt's largest online retailer, offers the original Vitabiotics goods at the best prices in Egypt.