Balea wonderful repair anti spliss serum with grape seed oil and almond oil – 30 ml

(21 customer reviews)

Original price was: 290.00 EGP.Current price is: 195.00 EGP.

  • Balea wonderful repair anti spliss serum an optimum treatment for hair loss and damaged hair.
  • Balea wonderful repair anti spliss serum formula contains grapeseed oil and almond oil that nourishes the hair.
  • Helps to prevent new split ends & seals damaged hair ends.
  • Produced by: Balea, Germany.
  • Package size: 30ml of anti-split hair repair serum.
  • Suitable for all hair types.

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Balea Anti-Spliss Serum Wonderful Repair is a one of the best product for preventing hair dryness and repairing splits. Balea hair serum treats dry and brittle hair and seals the split hair tips.

Filled with a rich formula of grapeseed oil and almond oil to provide nourishment and nutrients to your hair.

Anti-Spliss Serum Benefits

  • It contains grapeseed oil, which is a perfect hair conditioner treats hair dryness and as it is lighter than other oils, it doesn’t leave the hair greasy.
  • It prevents frizz and split ends and brittle hair.
  • It is also provided with almond oil, it contains all kinds of healthy nutrients for the hair.
  • It nourishes and strengthens the hair.
  • It is an optimum treatment for hair loss and damaged hair.
  • It provides silkiness and shiny appearance to your hair.
  • It also nourishes deep, down to the scalp to produce new healthy hair.

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Balea wonderful repair anti spliss serum price in Egypt 2025

Balea hair serum is available at Beauty Expert at a discounted price, 195 EGP per package.

balea wonderful repair anti spliss serum

Balea Professional Anti Spliss Serum Wonderful Repair

How to use balea hair serum anti spliss

  • Massage few drops into the hair tips and stressed areas of hair.
  • To style as usual.
  • Can be used on dry or damp hair.

Balea anti spliss Ingredients


Anti spliss serum instructions before use

  • Keep out of children’s reach.
  • Store below 32 C.
  • Improper storage may affect the product quality and effectiveness.
  • Discontinue use if you experience side effects.

Ask for our Balea wonderful repair anti spliss serum offers at a special price and enjoy our best offers at Beauty Expert by contacting us through the following numbers:

01007224868 || 01064496005

Reviews (21)

21 reviews for Balea wonderful repair anti spliss serum with grape seed oil and almond oil – 30 ml

  1. عبدالعظيم عادل عبدالمولي (verified owner)

    المنتج كويس بس اتأخر شوية

  2. احمد سليمان محمد (verified owner)

    انا حابه أولا اشكرك عشان زهقتك معايا ثانيا رشحيلي نوع زي اخر مره

  3. اسماء حسن اسماء حسن (verified owner)

    منتجات فوق الوصف دايما في نجاح

  4. Hazem Mamdouh Abusalem (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  5. Sarrah Ahmed (verified owner)

    بحثت كثيرا في النت ووجدت انها افضل خيار كميتها ممتازة

  6. Hanaa Mahmoud (verified owner)

    ساعدني جدا و نتيجته معايا حلوه جدا

  7. محمود عوض (verified owner)

    ممتاز والجودة رائعة اخترته بعد ماسمعت نصيحة حد من الفريق

  8. أروى وليد (verified owner)

    الخدمه كانت ممتازه جدا الشحن بس اتاخر يومين

  9. Omar Ghazal (verified owner)

    حقيقي منتج ممتاز جدا واول مره اجربه واسعاركو بالنسبه للشوفتها برا كويسه جدا

  10. شيماء عرابى (verified owner)

    المنتج وصل في المعاد اللي بلغوتني بيه و من احسن الشركات اللي اتعاملت معاها

  11. نورهان عبد الحميد (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  12. Farag Shennawy (verified owner)

    استملت بسرعه وكل حاجه كانت مظبوطه

  13. Arwa Ehab (verified owner)

    منتج ممتاز ونتيجته سريعه

  14. ندي محمود (verified owner)

    استخدمته و طلع حلو جدا

  15. Ahmed Wasfi (verified owner)

    افضل منتج علي الاطلاق شكرا بجد ليكوا

  16. Maria Iskander (verified owner)

    حابب اشكرك على سرعة الاوردر جالي في نفس اليوم والمندوب محترم جدا ربنا يباركلك

  17. Walid Soliman (verified owner)

    سعيده بالتعامل معاكوا و ان المنتج اصلي و طريقكوا في التعامل محترمه شكرا

  18. Sally Taha (verified owner)

    من افضل المنتجات اللى حصلت عليها من عندكم ومفعوله سريع ومفيد جدا

  19. منى عبد التواب (verified owner)

    مساءالنور يباشا المنتجات عندكو زي الفل بصراحه الحمدلله

  20. سما شكري (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  21. لواء / حسام سيف النصر (verified owner)

    احسن منتج استخدمته

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