Forest nutrition green tea capsules

(21 customer reviews)

Original price was: 300.00 EGP.Current price is: 170.00 EGP.

  • Green tea capsules are safe for health.
  • It helps in losing the body and burning the accumulated fat in it.
  • Increases the rate of burning in the body by 50%.
  • Suppresses the appetite.

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Green Tea tablets help burn a lot of calories and avoid any malfunctions in the body’s functions, and one capsule is equivalent to drinking ten cups of green tea daily.

These green tea capsules increase the internal burning rates in the body by 35% to 50%, which leads to the loss of a large number of stored fats in all areas of the body.

Forest nutrition green tea capsules benefits

  • Suppresses the appetite.
  • Gives a feeling of fullness by a large percentage and for long hours throughout the day.
  • Helps burn stubborn fats in the body.
  • Rid the body of fluids and excess water.
  • It prevents the absorption of fats from foods.
  • Regulates blood sugar levels.
  • Regulates the body’s metabolism.
  • Speeds up daily metabolism.
  • Increases calorie burning rates.
  • Eliminate stomach bloating and expel gas.
  • It gives the body the necessary energy and vitality.


Green Tea Extract: Promotes weight loss, regulates blood sugar, and prevents disease, it also has a direct effect on increasing fat oxidation, the body’s ability to use body fat for energy and enhances your ability to burn more calories.

Recommended Dosage

  • 2 capsules per day.
  • One capsule before breakfast and one before lunch.
  • The package contains 30 capsules.

How to use

  • Take the capsule orally while it is closed.
  • Take the capsule at least half an hour before a meal, as it is the best time to take green tea pills.
  • Drink plenty of water each time you take the capsule.

Green tea side effects

There are no side effects due to the fact that they are composed of 100% natural ingredients that benefit the body and enhance its health.


  • Do not use these pills with patients with diabetes and pressure.
  • Not intended for use in patients with heart disease.
  • Not designed for pregnant and nursing women.
  • Not suitable for people under 18 years old.

Important instructions before use

  • If you have any temporary or chronic health condition, consult your doctor first or get a consultation with us.
  • Please weigh before the start of the course to determine the weight lost after completing it.
  • keep away from the reach of the children.
  • Drink at least 3 liters of water daily.
  • Use with a diet and some exercise, to get more satisfactory results.

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Forest nutrition green tea price

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Reviews (21)

21 reviews for Forest nutrition green tea capsules

  1. محمد البنانى (verified owner)

    شريته هذا المنتج للمرة الرابعة ممتاز ومركز ومفيد انصح به

  2. Gerges FawZy (verified owner)

    كتير ممتازة الجودة رائعة المكونات جيدة الكمية تكفي فترة طويلة

  3. رباب مصطفي (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  4. Aya Sayed (verified owner)

    المنتج كويس بس اتأخر شوية

  5. Hend Tawakol (verified owner)

    من المنتجات اللي اتبسطت بيها ونتيجتها كويسه جدا

  6. Ayah Nehad (verified owner)

    انا حابب اقولك بجد اني مبسوط اوي عشان فعلا في فرق والمنتج ساعدني كتير فا بجد شكرا لترشيحك اوي

  7. رشا سيد محمد علي (verified owner)

    بحثت كثيرا في النت ووجدت انها افضل خيار كميتها ممتازة

  8. ماهي مهاب (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  9. Dr.rasha Shafie (verified owner)

    استاذ اخبار حضرتك ايه … انا دلوقتي اهو في الأسبوع التاني والحمدلله النتيجه تحفه

  10. احمد عادل (verified owner)

    مساءالخير حبيبتي الاوردر وصل بسرعه طبعا زي كل مره ومفيش مشاكل خالص شكرا لذوقك

  11. ايمن alba7ar‬‏ (verified owner)

    ممتاز والجودة رائعة اخترته بعد ماسمعت نصيحة حد من الفريق

  12. Mohamed Asiri (verified owner)

    المنتج كويس بس اتأخر شوية

  13. BEKTUR ESENBEK UULU (verified owner)

    منتج اصلي بصراحه وناس محترمه جزاكم الله كل خير ياب

  14. احمد علاء علاء (verified owner)

    ميرسي حبيبتي وصل في معاده عايزه بقى الطريقه

  15. Mariam Haggagy (verified owner)

    فيه تأخير في الرد

  16. ام فارس (verified owner)

    التوصيل سريع و في المعاد المظبوط

  17. راجيا احمد فتحي فتحي (verified owner)

    الجودة رائعه و المكونات غنية عن التعريف

  18. فادي يوسف (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  19. Rahma Farag (verified owner)

    اختي استخدمته و فعلا حاسه بفاعليته الرهيبه

  20. لؤى عثمان (verified owner)

    تجاربي معاكوا كلها ممتازه بجد من احسن الشركات

  21. عبدالرحمن هشام (verified owner)

    المنتج اصلى وعليه كل المقاييس

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